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Early Detection of Dental Problems Can Mean Less Dental Work In the Future

June 29, 2018

Posted on June 29, 2018

There are many things we have little or no control over; life’s up’s and down’s happen to us all. Unexpected situations arise every day, running the gamut from pleasant little surprises to serious calamities. So, it is comforting to people who do business in the financial district of San Francisco to know that you have power over one of the most important aspects of your future well-being – your dental health.

Paying Attention to Your Dental Health

For the men and women in San Francisco’s financial district whose lives are incredibly busy, it can be tempting to skip a routine check-up or two with your general dentist especially if you can’t see any changes or feel any discomfort. There are those too, who have noticed minor problems with their teeth or gums, but dismiss these tell-tale signs of trouble as “no big deal.” Spitting blood after you brush, swollen and red gums, teeth that appear to be getting “longer,” minor toothaches that may come and go are all symptoms of serious underlying dental conditions that require immediate attention from a general dentist in San Francisco’s financial district. Putting off your regular check-ups or ignoring red flags like those mentioned above is a slippery slope that can end up costing you financially – but more importantly, you could be putting your future oral health at risk.

General dentist, Dr. Skoulas promotes preventative care for her patients in San Francisco’s financial district. Detecting dental decay and gum disease in their early stages is crucial because left untreated, minor conditions such as gingivitis or small cavities will progress and require more invasive treatments down the line. When you visit our comfortable and conveniently located office for an exam, we may take x-rays if warranted, and perform a visual inspection – looking for any fractures, discoloration, cavities, and plaque build up. If a problem is found, we will discuss what your treatment options are and proceed accordingly from there.

Time Well Spent

Ultimately the time spent with your general dentist investing in the care of your smile will pay off in many ways.The rewards are tremendous for Dr. Skoulas’ patients in San Francisco’s financial district that take an hour or so to come in for their scheduled appointments and are vigilant when they notice any changes to their dental health. Correcting minor issues with your general dentist is relatively easy saving you a significant amount of time, money, and will likely allow you to retain your beautiful smile for a very long time – possibly a  lifetime. Your sixty-year-old self will certainly thank your 30-year-old self one day when people your age who didn’t see a general dentist on a routine basis are starting to suffer the consequences.

Give yourself the gift of a healthy smile now – and for years to come, starting with a call to (415) 757-1001. Our friendly and well-trained staff are here to help schedule you an appointment that is convenient because we understand that the easier it is for you to come to us, the more likely you are to keep on top of any dental problems that crop up.

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Skoulas DDS - The SF Cosmetic Dentist
450 Sutter Street, Suite #1616
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Tel: 415-757-0110 | Fax: 415-872-9770
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Tuesday | 7:30am - 5pm
Wednesday | 7:30am - 5pm
Thursday | 7:30am - 5pm
Friday | 7:30am - 2pm
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Skoulas DDS - The SF Cosmetic Dentist

450 Sutter Street, Suite #1616
San Francisco, CA 94108

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