Dental Pulp Classifications

Posted on June 22, 2017
When you have teeth pain, sometimes it’s hard to measure on a scale from one to ten. Typically, as a San Francisco patient, all you know is that you have a toothache and that it hurts a lot. Sometimes the pain can be tolerable yet frustrating. Other times, the pain can be so unbearable that it feels like you won’t make it through the day. This can be frustrating for patients to not know the exact level of their pain and how it’s going to affect the type of dental care they may need.
When it comes to teeth pain, there is actually a classification that can help identify the types of issues you may have that originate in your dental pulp, or odontogenic pain. There are five main types of classifications that are useful for patients to be knowledgeable about when it comes to odontogenic pain. At San Francisco-based dentist, Dr. Skoulas, we have compiled this information for you so that you can understand more about your dental pain.
Healthy Pulp
The first classification of your dental pulp is healthy. This means that there is not inflammation currently present and that your reactions to hot and cold temperature food and drinks are normal.
Reversible Pulpitis
In this status, the hard, dense bony tissue that forms your tooth is a bit exposed. This means that your pain can be stimulated by hot and cold foods, as well as sweet and sugary foods. Also, San Francisco patients will be sensitive to biting and touching with a sharp, shooting pain in their mouths. Over time, these symptoms tend to subside, but sometimes they lead to needing a root canal.
Irreversible Pulpitis
While in reversible pulpitis, you may have mild pain; in this stage, your pain will be a be more moderate and severe. Instead of brief pains like in the previous status, you will have a lingering pain. It’s usually hard to sleep at night due to the pain. At this time your pulp has a noticeable inflammation.
Pulp Necrosis
At this status, your pulp has been fully exposed. Your pulp is usually not vital at this time and will be filled with bacteria, removing your sensory nerves in the process. You do not feel pain at this point because the tooth is already dead.
If you’re not sure about whether or not you need a root canal or other dental assistance, we’re here to help. Call Dr. Skoulas in our San Francisco office today for more information.